Credit Guarantee Fund of Mongolia (CGFM)
Main Businesses
Credit Guarantee Fund of Mongolia (CGFM) operates only business loan guarantee for SMEs (basic credit guarantee, ADB financed credit guarantee, business loan guarantee for customer of non-bank financial institutions)
Supervisory Authority
Dolgormaa Nasanjargal, Head of Supervisory Board
Tsogtsaikhan Sarantuya, Acting Executive Director
Capital: MNT 259,205 million / USD 75.24 million (As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 3,445
*22.12.31 exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : MNT 78,089 million / USD 22.67 million
Guarantee Acceptance : MNT 159.88 million / USD 46.41 million
Number of Borrowers using CGS: 1121
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 3,445*22.12.31
Exchange rate from google
Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)
Main Businesses
Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) operates CGS for MSEs, non-banking financial companies, subordinate debt, PMSVANidhi (for guaranteeing loans sanctioned to street vendors), and credit guarantee service under Hybrid Security Model. In addition, it operates UDAAN Portal to provide provisional guarantee certificate to the MSE borrowers.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India
Shri Sivasubramanian Ramann, Chairman
Capital : Rs. 88,704 million / USD 1073 million (As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 82.67
*22.12.31 exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : Rs. 1,246,179 million / USD 15.1 billion
Guarantee Acceptance : Rs. 561,718 million / USD 6.79 billion
Number of Borrowers using CGS : 717,020
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 82.67*22.12.31
Exchange rate from google
Association of Indonesia Credit Guarantee Corporations (ASIPPINDO)
Supervisory Authority
Financial Services Authority of Indonesia
I. Rusdonobanu, Chief of Asippindo
Total Capital Fund : IDR 10,638 billion / USD 753.4 million (As of 12/31/2020)
E/X 14,120.57
*20.12.31 exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : IDR 234,589,448 million / USD 16.6 billion
Guarantee Acceptance : IDR 188,536,291 million / USD 13.4 billion
Number of Borrowers using CGS : 9,104,166
(As of 12/31/2020)
E/X 14,120.57*20.12.31
Exchange rate from google
Asuransi Kredit Indonesia (ASKRINDO)
Main Businesses
The role of ASKRINDO is a guarantor institution for loans extended by the banks to MSMEs. It continues to carry out its role and function as collateral substitution institution which is a guarantor institution that assists MSMEs who are eligible and have sufficient collateral to obtain loans from financial institutions, both bank and non-bank. ( Main services of PT.Askrindo is general insurance and financial insurance which includes guarantee for people's business credit.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of SOE (State-Owned Enterprise) & Indonesia Financial Group
Priyastomo, CEO
Total Capital : IDR 6,611 billion / USD 468.2 million (As of 12/31/2020)
E/X 15,488*22.12.31
Exchange rate from google
Japan Finance Corporation (JFC)
Main Businesses
Japan Finance Corporation (JFC) is a policy-based financial institution that aims to complement financial activities carried out by private financial institutions and contributes to the improvement in the living standards of Japanese people.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ministry of Finance
TANAKA Kazuho, Governor & CEO
Total capital: Reserve fund: JPY 5,309 billion / USD 39.7 billion (As of 03/20/2023)
E/X 133.54
*23.03.31 exchange rate from google
Insurance Program
Outstanding Amounts of Insurance : JPY 40,671 billion / USD 304.5 billion
Insurance Acceptance : JPY 7,762 billion / USD 58.1 billion
Number of Borrowers using CGS : 1,585,347
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 133.54*23.03.31
Exchange rate from google
Japan Federation of Credit Guarantee Corporations (JFG)
Main Businesses
Japan Federation of Credit Guarantee Corporations (JFG) mainly operates Credit Guarantee business.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Small and Medium Enterprise Agency), Financial Service Agency
Takashi Yamamoto, Chairman
Basic Assets Fund : JPY 2,023 billion / USD 15.34 billion (As of 03/31/2022)
E/X 131.88
*22.12.31 exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : JPY 39,484 billion / USD 299.4 billion
Guarantee Acceptance : JPY 8,018 billion / USD 60.8 billion
Number of Borrowers using CGS : 1,585,347
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 131.88*22.12.31
Exchange rate from google
Korea Credit Guarantee Fund (KODIT)
Main Businesses
Korea Credit Guarantee Fund (KODIT) mainly extends credit guarantees for the liabilities of promising SMEs which lack tangible collateral. In addition to Credit Guarantee, KODIT offers Credit Insurance(Sales Receivables), Infrastructure Credit Guarantee, Investment, Consulting, and Startup support programs.
Supervisory Authority
Financial Services Commission (FSC)
CHOI Won-mok, Chairman & CEO
Total Capital Fund : KRW 10,548 billion / USD 8.3 billion (As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 1260.1
*22.12.31 Exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : KRW 83,034 billion / USD 65.9 billion
Guarantee Acceptance :
Number of Borrowers using CGS : 180,464
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 1260.1*22.12.31
exchange rate from google
Korea Technology Finance Corporation (KOTEC)
Main Businesses
Korea Technology Finance Corporation (KOTEC) mainly provide credit guarantee service to techonologically viable but collateral-constrained SMEs. In addition to CGS, KOTEC operates technology appraisal, equity investment, technology protection, technology transfer, and management of right to indemnity.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of SMEs and Startups (MSS)
KIM Jong-ho, Chairman & President
Total Capital Fund : KRW 3,400 billion / USD 2.7 billion (As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 1260.1
*22.12.31 exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : KRW 25,580 billion / USD 20.3 billion
Guarantee Acceptance : KRW 5,292 billion / USD 4.2 billion
Number of Borrowers using CGS : 84,239
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 1260.1*20.12.31
exchange rate from google
Korea Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundations (KOREG)
Main Businesses
Korea Federation of Credit Guarantee Foundations (KOREG) provides re-guarantee service to 17 regional Credit Guarantee Foundations (CGFs) so that they share the risk as roughly 50:50. 17 CGFs mainly do loan guarantee and do not provide a loan.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of SMEs and Startups
LEE Sang-hoon, CEO & Chairman
Total Capital Fund : KRW 8,568 billion / USD 6.8 billion (As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 1260.1
*22.12.31 exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : KRW 43,095 billion / USD 34.2 billion
Guarantee Acceptance : KRW 43,095 billion / USD 34.2 billion
Number of Borrowers using CGS : 1,523,196
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 1260.1*22.12.31
Exchange rate from google
Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGCMB)
Main Businesses
Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC) mainly operates CGS. Besides, it operates direct financing facilities to new small business owners and woman entrepreneurs and targeted non-financial support under the CGC Developmental Program.
Supervisory Authority
Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia)
Mohd Zamree Mohd Ishak, President & Chief Executive Officer
Capital: RM 1.69 billion / USD 385 million (As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 4.40
*22.12.31 exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : RM 20,840 million / USD 4,731 million
Guarantee Acceptance :
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 4.40*22.12.31
Exchange rate from google
Deposit & Credit Guarantee Fund (DCGF)
Financial stability is one of the topical issues that has been accorded increased attention from central bank, government, market players, borrowers and deposit insurer. As a deposit insurer, Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund(DCGF) has started the deposit guarantee scheme in Nepal from the year 2010.
Deposit guarantee/insurance is recognized globally as an important component of a country's financial safety net and has been implemented in more than 120 countries around the world. It is a system that protects depositors against the loss of their guaranteed deposits placed with banks and financial institutions (BFIs) in the case of unlikely event of the BFIs failure.
DCGF has given the statutory responsibility to perform both the deposit guarantee and credit guarantee function through it's own "Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund Act, 2073". In the DCGF Board there has been representation of six from the government and one from Nepal Rastra Bank. Obviously, DCGF is a government sponsored and administered separate entity. Generally, deposit guarantee system is a government sponsored scheme.
In Nepal, deposit guarantee scheme is confined to BFIs namely (i) commercial banks, (ii) development banks, (iii) finance companies and (iv) micro credit development banks. DCGF has fixed the premium rate of 0.16 % on guaranteed deposit to all BFIs member institutions. The coverage of deposit guarantee is limited to Rs 3,00,000 per natural individual depositors per member institution applicable on a combination of saving and fixed deposit.
Small and Medium Enterprises Corporation (SMEC)
SME Corporation has designed key policies, programs and, projects in Credit Insurance, Risk Share Facilities, MSME Concessional Loan Facilities, Credit Guarantee Facilities, Financial Literacy Training including other MSME development support services to supplement MSME credit provided by the banking and financial market.
The Corporation plays a vital role in credit supplementation for MSMEs through the business advisory training and certification which forms prerequisites to loan applications for the Concessional Loans with Commercial Banks. Further, the Corporation partnered with Micro Finance Institutions and created credit facilities for MSMEs who undergone the Corporation’s training programs to access finance for business development and improvement.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Managing Director, Mr. Petrus Ralda
Philippine Guarantee Corporation (PHILGUARANTEE)
Main Businesses
Philippine Guarantee Corporation (PHILGUARANTEE) mainly operates credit guarantee for business loan. Aside from business loan guarantees, it provides housing loan and agricultural production loan guarantees.
Supervisory Authority
Department of Finance and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank)
Alberto E. Pascual, President and CEO
Capital : Php 27.85 billion / USD 500.9 million (As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 55.62
*22.12.31 exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : Php 185,868 million / USD 3,342 million
Guarantee Acceptance : Php 239,454 million / USD 4,305 million
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 55.62*22.12.31
Exchange rate from google
Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL)
Main Businesses
The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) is the apex institution in the financial sector in Sri Lanka. It was established in 1950 under the Monetary Law Act No. 58 of 1949 (MLA) as a semi-autonomous body and is governed by a five member Monetary Board.
The CBSL seeks to achieve and maintain two core objectives to maintain a healthy and stable economic and financial system while maximising resource utilisation effectively. These objectives are:
1. The maintaining of economic and price stability
2. The maintaining of financial system stability
The MLA has also granted the CBSL sole authority to issue currency notes and coins to the public. Therefore, the Bank is responsible for currency issuance and management.
The CBSL is advisor on economic affairs and Banker to the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL). As agent to GOSL the CBSL is tasked with managing the Employees’ Provident Fund, managing the country’s public debt, providing exchange control services and administration of foreign and government funded credit schemes to enhance access to finance for regional development.
The Governor of the CBSL functions as its Chief Executive Officer while the senior management consists of the Senior Deputy Governor, Deputy Governors, Assistant Governors and Heads of Departments in addition to the Governor. The Bank consists of 31 Departments headed by a Director or its equivalent and 6 Regional Offices headed by a Regional Manager. Apart from the Internal Audit Department and Financial Intelligence Unit which report directly to the Governor, all other Departments report to the Governor or Deputy Governor through an Assistant Governor.
Dr. P. Nandalal Weerasinghe , Governor
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : LKR 6,780,163,047 / USD 36.4 million
Guarantee Acceptance : LKR 4,434,051,714 / USD 23.8 million
(As of 12/31/2020)
E/X 186.18*20.12.31
exchange rate from google
Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation (SLECIC)
Main Businesses
To issue insurance policies to exporters of goods and services against non-receipt or delayed receipt of payments resulting from commercial and non-commercial risks.
To issue guarantees to banks and other financial institutions to facilitate the granting of pre-shipment and post-shipment finance.
To issue guarantees to persons or institutions abroad in connection with goods exported by any person or institution from Sri Lanka or for the due performance of any services to be rendered to such persons or institutions within or outside Sri Lanka.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of Finance, Economic and Policy Development
A.H. Wijesiri Ambawatta, Chairman & Managing Director
Small & Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan (Taiwan SMEG)
Main Businesses
Small & Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan (Taiwan SMEG) provides a variety of guarantees to assure SMEs at all growth stages of sufficient access to various financing. In addition, it provides consulting services to help SMEs financing and improving management.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA)
WEI Ming-ku, Chairman
Total Capital: NTD 89.42 billion / USD 2.9 billion (As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 30.73
*22.12.31 exchange rate from google
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : NTD 1,398,400 million / USD 45.5 billion
Guarantee Acceptance : NTD 1,158,670 million / USD 37.7 billion
Number of Borrowers using CGS : 299,513
(As of 12/31/2022)
E/X 30.73*22.12.31
Exchange rate from google
Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG)
Main Businesses
Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG) provides credit guarantee for SMEs, financial literacy and business know-how to SMEs.
Supervisory Authority
Ministry of Finance
Mr. Ace Viboolcharern, Chairman
Capital : Baht 6702.47 million / USD 223.39 million
(As of 12/31/2020)
E/X 0.0333
*20.12.31 exchange rate from BOT
Guarantee Performance
Outstanding Guaranteed Liabilities : Baht 451,373,839 K / USD 15.04 billion
Guarantee Acceptance : Baht 989,813,138 K / USD 32.99 billion
Number of Borrowers using CGS : 734,225
(As of 12/31/2020)
E/X 0.0333*20.12.31
Exchange rate from BOT